Przypomniałam sobie, że coś mówiło się jakiś czas temu o kontrowersyjnych treściach w murzynku "Bambo". Że rasistowskie, że niepoprawne politycznie, że ZAKAZAĆ.
Zaczęłam się zastanawiać, jakie jest moje stanowisko w tej sprawie. Wychowałam się na murzynku Bambo. Recytowałyśmy z siostrą cały wiersz Tuwima bez zająknięcia. Teraz w dorosłym życiu mam ogromny problem. Jak powinnam wyrażać się o czarnoskórych? afroamerykaninach (a jak ktoś ma czarną skórę i mieszka w Europie?)? Wiecznie się miotam, żeby tylko kogoś nie urazić. Nie mam w swoim otoczeniu nikogo pochodzącego z Afryki, a nawet nikogo o ciemniejszym kolorze skóry (jednego Chorwata, ale jego skóra jest jaśniejsza od "nasolariowanego" Polaka ;]). Może i całe szczęście, bo mogłoby się okazać, że komuś ubliżam.
Do jakich wniosków doszłam?
Wydaje mi się, a nawet jestem pewna, że bym się nie obraziła jak ktoś zwracałby się do mnie per biała, białas i tak dalej. Czy nie idziemy w tym wszystkim za daleko? Zaraz okaże się, że większość książek jest nieprzyzwoitych lub niezgodnych z poglądami "kogośtam". Czy nie będzie już wcale można czytać o czarnoskórych/murzynach (jak kto woli)?
Dopóki można kupiłam Zosi murzynka Bambo, dopóki jest legalny, bo uważam, że to klasyka.
Tutaj zaznaczam, że nie zamierzam wychować mojej córki na rasistkę (dostała nawet lalkę z Ikei - tak, tak murzynka) czy osobę nietolerancyjną.
"Bambo" Julian Tuwim
wydawnictwo Liwona
strona www:
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Super - klasyka w miłej dla oka odsłonie! ;-)
OdpowiedzUsuńCradle of Humanity
OdpowiedzUsuńThe Truth About Racism
I am black, I am black in origin, (Photo Included), only colour of my skin has had faded away with time. My prime parents, hominids, moved away migrating from their original place of birth. The further north they moved close to the present North complexity of their/my skin has had changed accordingly, simply it has had whitened. There is nothing like racism. All people from all around the world are One family and I am black, like everyone is black - in origin.
Genesis 2:7(a), Acts 17:26, anthropologists, anatomists like Prof. Joel Rack and others state about it very clearly.
Genesis 2:7 And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground*
Q: What is the colour of the dust of the ground*?
A: White? pink, yellow, red, brown or black!?
Acts 17:26 And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth,
Eddie Izzard's remarkable statements about racism;
"What would skin colour be like?" - (Time line: 32:27) "This shows that the racism is stupid, is insane, because we are all the same people." - (Time line: 34:03) Ref:
"What would skin colour be like?" - (Time line: 03:44)
How many wars have been fought over the colour of the skin and all of this hatred going on but it really is just to do with where you are, where the sun and the body will also had just as tribes and everyone were moving further north were there was less sun light, that's right, when they were actually start shading pigment - (Time line: 04:16)
Human migrations -
Taking into consideration these above 4 undoubtful facts;
1. religious - Acts 17:26
2. anthropological - Eddie Izzard's story
3. modern - Matrix
4. Oppenheimer's fact - Modern Man's Journey Out of Africa 2003
All that above bring us to the only one sound conclusion that all inhabitants of our Mother Earth are all of the same people, we all are brothers and sisters by blood, we all belong to the same one family here on earth and I am black in origin, like everyone.
Racism comes from fear. Fear comes from the unknown.
We do not know each other. The time has come to introduce ourselves to each other. Find out about our whereabouts. Where the cradle of all humanity is placed exactly. Where do we belong to?
Let's educate each other.
Let's connect, collaborate, and take action to end this mental distortion.
Engage all educators, students, organizations, and other stakeholders interested in global education.
implement the project, #blackonwhitecurriculum, in every class room, in every school, college, university all over the world and wipe this mental impediment, racism, from the face of the earth now and for ever.
Whosoever insults another person by saying, cit."you black nigger" (noun, offensive; a contemptuous term for a black or dark-skinned person) is undoubtedly, exactly and precisely insulting him/her/ self.
Whosoever insults another person by saying, "negro" or "you black nigger" (noun, offensive; a contemptuous term for a black or dark-skinned person) is undoubtedly, exactly and precisely insulting him/her/self.
Let's this #blackonwhitecurriculum implement in every class room in every school, college, universities all over the world, edify every individual and wipe this mental impediment, racism, from the face of the earth once and for ever.